

Members of the Carnegie Mellon community in Pittsburgh can use CareLink to find care givers or find a job. If you need a caregiver, you can post your request on the CareLink website. If you want to provide services, you can post your resume and search available jobs. Community members also can use CareLink to share or exchange services. CareLink is sponsored by the Office of the Vice Provost for Faculty. Please note that foreign nationals who are not U.S. citizens or permanent residents who wish to provide services, must have appropriate work authorization or status.

Only for the CMU Community

Full access to CareLink is available only to members of the Carnegie Mellon community with a current Andrew ID or alumni ID. After logging in, users can create affiliate accounts to allow friends, family, or recommended caregivers to post resumes. Only users with Andrew IDs or alumni IDs can search for jobs or caregivers.

Current Stats

  • 2667 active users
  • 131 total jobs